Monday, December 29, 2008


Had a great time at the game yesterday watching the historic demise of one of the Packers' oldest rivals. I am proud that I got to be a part of it. I was also glad to get some perspective from a real, live Detroit Lions fan! 0-16 is unbelievably terrible. 6-10 isn't a whole lot better, but I need a day, or week, or month to savor a victory before turning to trying to fix us. I also need a day or so to roll around in the tears of Lion fans.

The playoffs are going to be awkward this year, with two of the prohibitive favorites in the preseason, not making it in. With Dallas exploding themselves everywhere, and New England somehow not getting in the playoffs despite being 11-5, this thing is going to be wide open. There isn't one team I can point to and say that they should roll into the Super Bowl.


I show up to work this morning after five glorious days off to find that someone made fucking coffee in the office coffee maker without using the fucking basket that is supposed to hold the filter/coffee grounds. They just put the filter right above the pot, which creates a problem: the filter is smaller than the hole above the pot(so it can fit into the basket) and because this is the case, when the water begins to pour over the grounds, the fucking filter loses its shape and spills coffee grounds 1) into the coffee pot (which is, in fact, the whole point of the filter/basket system, to AVOID coffee grounds in your coffee) and 2)all over the fucking inside of the coffee maker under where the basket is supposed to go. This is the second time this has happened in the last two weeks. Typically, I make the morning coffee because I am a piss-on that shows up early, and am the first one in that drinks coffee. But SOMEONE that obviously doesn't understand the complicated dynamics of a coffee maker is leaving a goddamn mess that I have to clean up in order to make the next pot of coffee. Which by the way, is fucking impossible because the inside of the coffee maker has all sorts of little plastic compartments that are about 1/8 of an inch wide that you can't clean the grounds out of. This, in turn, leads to coffee grounds in my fucking coffee, which really, really pisses me off. I have thought about leaving a note, but I don't want to "bite the hand that feeds me", by insulting someone that pays me. But fucking seriously. It isn't that hard to put the basket in first. Am I asking too much here?


gotwinkies said...

that's what you get for showing up a few minutes behind your normal time you slacker!!! Coffee grounds in coffee is a sin, if you believe in God and the concept of sinning. Which I do.

From: the guy who doesn't start work until around 8:30 a.m. everyday

gotwinkies said...

In fact, I "sinned" with the Sport's Bottle's mom last night.

RitaLynn said...

Just saw this while looking for an article about Devonte West's illegitimate children and being from Indiana, Mannings Bastards caught my eye!!
Very funny coffee scene!