Friday, February 6, 2009

Pot smoking and the significance of apologies

I have numerous thoughts about the whole "OH MY GOD MICHAEL PHELPS SMOKES POT" story.

My first thought is "who fucking cares?" What difference does that make in anyone's life? The guy smokes pot, get over it. Maybe if I didn't do what I do for a living I'd be a little more surprised. But I know from experience many seemingly normal housewives and husbands toke the ganja from time to time. And at every age. 15 year olds and 65 year olds. Poor people and rich people. It's everywhere. You, the reader of this blog, have a "drug problem" in your city/town/village. How do I know this? Because every city/town/village has a "drug problem." Most people have no idea because either they just don't give a shit or they don't care.

The only problem I have with what Phelps did was that he hit the bong at a college party. Now, come on Michael, are you fucking retarded? I'll bet that one pic is not the only pic taken of him doing that. Hell, there was probably a cell phone video taken. Just use your head a little.

The celebrity public apology fucking pisses me off, for two reasons. One, why should I believe Phelps is sorry and, two, why should I want that apology. And by "I" I mean the general public.

So, why should I believe Phelps is sorry? Personally, I don't give a shit because he's only sorry because he got caught. How many times has he smoked dope before that party and since that party? If he was actually sorry about it that would mean that was the only time he's ever done it in his life and he realizes it was stupid. But we know that's not true.

Finally, why do I want the apology? Again, from a personal standpoint, the apology means nothing to me and I wouldn't give a shit if he never made any sort of public apology. But the American public screams at the top of their lungs until someone famous apologizes for something stupid they did. No one but those close to Phelps should expect an apology, and maybe not even them. What if Phelps wasn't sorry (which I've already determined he isn't)? What if he didn't make a public apology? Millions of people would be outraged. Hey, you, millions of people, mind your own fucking business!

It happens time and time again. Kobe if front of the cameras admitting he committed adultery with his wife sitting right next to him. Pacman apologizing for his stupid ass.

It's just sad the public apology is necessary. It's hollow and means absolutely nothing.

And, hey, at least it wasn't crack.


Juicelaw said...

He was just trying to save his sponsorship money.

PS. Why do you arrest people for pot then?

PPS. I think it should be legalized, but that is just my two cents.

Bear said...

Trust me on this one, I've learned more about this whole Phelps thing and what the media is pumping out there, the less that's spoken about it the more is said! I am biased though, waaaaaaay too fucking much Michael Phelps bong stories for this guy

The Sports Bottle said...

I hope that's a rhetorical question.

Schmock40 said...

All heros have a weakness. Pot is to Phelps as Kryptonite is to Superman. Well, at least that is how I explained it to my kids.

Juicelaw said...

I like this game.

Pot is to Phelps as....

Salmon is to Bear.

Testicles are to Twinkie.

Vodka is to Schmock.

Losing things is to Richard.

Favre is to Madden.

Crack is to me.

Juicelaw said...

One last thing. It sucks to be the guy who shared his weed with the dude that has dolphin lungs.