Wednesday, October 7, 2009

UW at the Horseshoe

Did anyone else see that UW is a SIXTEEN POINT underdog?!?!?!? Really!?!?!? I'm not saying Bucky will win, but there is no fucking way they get blown out by more than two touchdowns. If gambling were legal, or I was in Vegas, I would bet heavily on UW. Also, UW is ranked #12 and Ohio St. is #14 in case you missed the Top 32 this week.

1 comment:

The Sports Bottle said...

I know there are a plethora of excuses and "the Badgers outplayed the Buckeyes" in the near future, but, my friend, you were wrong. There's NO WAY the Badgers lose by more than 2 touchdowns? Good call. I hope that is not a sign of things to come in about 11 days...