Wednesday, October 14, 2009

He Died For Our Sins, and I Appreciate It

I'm liking where the comments from a previous post are heading. It may be time for me to unveil my thoughts on arks with 2 of every animal, a certain someone walking on water and turning water into wine or that said someone rising from the dead. I paraphrase one of my favorite Family Guy quotes of all time - "How Christian of you. Believe what I believe or I'll hurt you." But maybe I'll refrain myself. That may take this blog in a direction that our Blogmaster might not enjoy along with probably pissing a lot of people off.
In other news - 8 days til Vegas. Not sure how I should greet Twinkie when he gets there. I also can't remember what time Twinkie is getting there. If it's any time after noon I will not be sober so a very large man-hug may seem suitable when he arrives. My girlfriend wasn't too happy when I told her I'll be changing into shorts as soon as we arrive. And just so you guys know, I plan on spending the majority of the daylight hours couped up in a sports book somewhere. The sports book needs to be utilized b/c it's something that can only be used during regular hours. Everything else we do in Vegas can be done 24 hours a day. Besides, you can sit in a sports book for 12 hours, drink non stop, bet minimally and have a great time watching sports all day. I also plan on sports book hunting to determine which is the best. The goal is to find a place with free drinks as long as you're betting. We're staying at Bally's. I hear they're sports book is nice.
(Sports Bottle's) God bless you all!


The Sports Bottle said...

Juice, I got off work 3 hours early next Wednesday, so if you wanna shoot to be here anytime after 8pm, that would be great.

Also, flights from Milwaukee that day are over $500 now.

Bear said...

I'm going to start liberally editing these posts, with extreme prejudice...

The Sports Bottle said...

Which is why I refrained myself...

Juicelaw said...

I don't even know what Bear means by that, but whatever.

Driving down at 7 or 8 instead of 10pm sounds alot better to me. We will see how pissed Mrs. Juice gets when I just leave right from work a day earlier that I was supposed to be going. Getting like 6 hours of sleep the night before would be great too. Not sure how long my body can handle being drunk 22 hours a day and sleeping for 2. I surmise we will find out.

I'm down with sports books, man hugs and (Sports Bottle's) god.

The Sports Bottle said...

Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't understand what Bear meant.

4-5 hours of sleep will be great. We'll probably need to be out of bed around 4:30. My g/f will give us a ride to the airport.

Bear said...

I hate you guys...

buckyor said...

I wanna know where I can get that shirt.