Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Riveting Hour of Television

I'm not really sure what just happened, but I got sucked into "The Price Is Right $1,000,000 Extravaganza" tonight. The contestants on that show never cease to amaze me. Each one is more insane than the next. Some are obviously hopped up on pain killers, others considerably less straight than others. Also, they still have the same rickety ass games that they've had since like the mid 50's when Bob Barker was drunk and banging "Barker's beauties" during commercial breaks. Drew Carey kind of sucks as the host, but the contestants keep it together.

First, some hot (for a Price Is Right Contestant) won a $65,000 Corvette convertible by guessing that the last number in the price was a 4. And it wasn't one of those games where she had a 50/50 chance. She had to pick a number between 0-9 and she needed to be exactly right. So that got a loud cheer in the Juice household. Oh and she was allegedly in college and had a shirt on that said "Drew is gorges"...and I didn't misspell her shirt, that was how it was spelled.

Later, this incredibly, incredibly homosexual dude (who had a kid somehow, and was a preschool teacher) won the wheel spinning deal and went up against the Corvette chick in the Showcase showdown. Chick had to bid on some iPod shit, a flat screen and a Hybrid Ford Explorer and bid $45k and change. Gay dude had to bid on three female swimsuits(!!), a catamaran, and a Cadillac convertible. He bid $83k and change. Our immediate reaction was that he overbid by about 20 grand and the bitch that had already won the 'vette was going to get another car. Her showcase was up first, and she was like $2400 off, which is incredibly solid, especially since he was obviously over. Even Drew Carey was laughing at how high the guys bid was. Then he looked at the gay dudes total and he was $880 off.....Which means that not only did he win his showcase, but he won hers too, AND since it was the million dollar extravaganza, he won a million fucking clams too. We rewound our TV twice to see his reaction, it was priceless. It gave me chills.

The lesson as always, is everyone is Hollywood is gay, and all you have to do to be a millionaire is wait in line for 10 hours to get on a game show and know how much shit costs.

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