Tuesday, July 1, 2008


When I begged to be added to contribute to this blog, Juicelaw was posting something nearly every 30 minutes and was not bashful of posting cool words like the word "FUCK" throughout the day at work. However, now he has taken a new position at a stuffy law firm (see picture), and understandably so, is a bit nervous of checking, much less contributing to the blog throughout the day in fear that someone might write the word FUCK in giant letters and cost him his job. I respect his position, but it is very disappointing for someone like me who hardly ever has clients any more, doesn't have an office internet policy and likes to frequent the blog in search of Juice's patented comedy and sarcasm. Like I said, I understand, but I am deeply disappointed.

On another note, I just got a letter from a bigshot attorney in a big town close to here. One of those "it was a pleasure to meet you at the CLE the other day, if you are ever interested in going to lunch" type of letters. I think (hope) he is possibly trying to recruit me to his firm. Either that or he is gay and is trying to seduce me. As long as I get a different job, I'm gay, umm, I mean game.

My on base percentage is now .982 in our slow-pitch co-ed league and my batting average is roughly .850. First game I was 1-2 with a single and reached on an error. Second game I was 3-3 with a single, inside the park home run, a triple and 5 RBIs. That's right boys, GLORY DAYS. And yes, I understand how sad my athletic career has become that I have to brag about slow-pitch softball on an internet blog.

Butt-stink really choked in the clutch last night. What were the odds that he would ground out to the shortstop to end the game? 1:1?


Bear said...

Errors do not count in OBP calculations. 0 for 1 with reaching on an error is still .000 OBP for the day.

Bear said...

Also I find it odd that your softball league calls it slow pitch and yet leaves out the information "Paraplegic T-ball" in the league name. Of course you were grand fathered in for having so many organs blow up...

gotwinkies said...

You also forgot the fact that they call it "special olympics" slow pitch softball.

Bear said...

And yet I fail at it, god I'm a pristine athlete in my prime.

Juicelaw said...

It is too bad that getting your head stuck in a tree trunk or a beehive aren't sports. You would fucking rock at those Bear.