Thursday, July 17, 2008

I'm Not Dead

I also haven't pretended to retire, then suspiciously ask for my release immediately following a number of conversations with my "friend", who just happens to be a mid-level executive at one of our main blog competitors. (That by the way is a joke, we have no competition, mostly because nobody knows we exist.) Anyways, I LOVE the tampering angle. And the scenario isn't all that retarded at all. I would savor the Vikings first round pick more than life itself. FUCK THE QUEENS. Have fun with Tavarious (or how ever the fuck it is spelled) and you half full dome assfucks.

Also wanted to chime in on the latest from our genius manager Neddy. It has been rumoured on various radio shows 'round these parts, that Ned Albert Einstien Yost, is following up his batting the pitcher 8th with this beauty: He is going to solve the full starting pitching staff problem (I call it half empty, but whatever), by pitching Dave Bush in home games and Seth McClung in road games. I don't care how much of a fucking sabermatition you are (FYI, Bush is 4-2, 2.49 at home and 2-6 6.95 away and McClung is 4-4, 4.95 at home and 1-1 3.28 on the road), that is fucking retarded. Words can't even really describe how asinine that is. Even if the stats make it interesting it is fucking really, really dumb. I mean why don't we just platoon every fucking spot on the team, that is what Ned really wants. In fact, on even numbered days after road games, Ned is awful, so we should have Ted Simmons manage those games.

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