C'mon Neddy. Really? I mean, even Bear's boy Hardicourt couldn't come up with anything good to say about Weeks, and he sucks whomever's dick the manager and GM tell him to. An average of .216 is horrible for any regular starter, much less the fucking leadoff guy. And it is late July now. It would be hard for Neddy to claim he is suddenly going to turn things around. You gotta think in the very near future that Neddy is going to start feeling pressure to leave Ray Durham in after he gets two or three hits the first few times he plays. My favorite comment from Yost: "For me, he has never underachieved because he never achieved up here. How can you say he has underachieved?" I mean, that is classic Neddy. Just a dick whenever he wants to be. Contradicting himself at every turn. First getting offended at the mere notion that he would take out long dong Weeks, and then saying he has been a piece of shit for the last three years to claim he isn't an underachiever. Whatever. From now on I am going to waste time chronicling how shitty Weeks is compared to Durham, until I get lazy and forget about it.
We are mere minutes away from a HUGE series in fucking July for the Crew. Gotta believe they are guaranteed to win at least one of the CC (I can't call him BF anymore, he is too good) Big Ben back-to-back, meaning they really only need one of the first two to declare the series a moderate success. I would be happy with a road split, although a series win would be as gigantic as it could be in July.
1 comment:
How's the Weeks watch going so far?
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