Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oh shit son

So apparently TMZ has acquired the Lebron video and they're going to show it at 6:45 EST tonight. I'm sure Nike is in the process of positioning it's satellites over the TMZ offices as we speak.

Unfortunately for Lebron this is the first he's ever been dunked on... ever, so it's a pretty big deal I guess.


Unknown said...

Ummm... Lebron owns TMZ and this is all part of an elaborate scheme to get rid of the luxury tax so he can be signed to new York

Bear said...

That's why Lebron has been pushing the cap and trade bill through congress, because the Knicks have been acquiring cheap carbon offsets to sell to coal power plants and so they can use that money to pay their luxury tax overages every year after they sign him

Juicelaw said...

I love that this shit is like the Zapruder film. And they are going to "World Premier" it. Had Nike done nothing to start with, nobody would even care.