Sunday, January 11, 2009


So yesterday, the wife and I were discussing my blackjack dominance and somehow the prospect of me getting permission to go to Vegas with the Sports Bottle on the next of his 8 yearly trips came up. I am happy to report that I have been granted "soft" permission to go. I say "soft" meaning that the timing would have to be right, etc. But this is definitely a move in the right direction. As far as I am concerned I am going. So start planning your next trip now. I can't go before June 1st (no vacation until then) for sure, and not between Jan 1st and April 15th (work restrictions), so there are pretty much no good times to go, but keep me posted either way. I can smell the Spearmint Rhino calling my name.


Ricky said...

Keep me posted on a date. If Juicelaw is in, I need to find a way to make it happen.

The Sports Bottle said...

Was that post, and Ricky's subsequent comment, directed towards me? Now, you may not believe this, but I was thinking this may be my last debaucherous Vegas trip (i.e. trip with guys). But Juice's revelation may make me think otherwise. So, are we talking between June 1st and December 31st if we were to go this year?

Five days til departure.

Juicelaw said...

You are the one that lives in Vegas, so yes, it was directed towards you.

Last trip? Are you getting soft? I am getting sick and tired of your arbitrary reasons to stop doing things example 1A: "I probably won't go to Oktoberfest forever." 1B: "last debaucherous trip". What, once you hit 29 the debauchery stops? Do you have like 6 kids I don't know about? Large gambling debt you are avoiding?

Those dates would (likely) work for me. If you have some sort of ballpark date, let me know so I can make sure to keep my calendar clear. We've all obviously got two weddings, two bachelor parties (prolly, OJSFA draft and Oktoberfest to schedule around too.

gotwinkies said...

Hello everybody. This is Juice's alter ego again. If Juice is going to Vegas, then I need to make a way to make it happen as well, so I can meet Mr. Sports Bottle and also Bob Huggins.

The Sports Bottle said...

You're the one with restrictions, so you discuss it with Mrs Juice and let me know. And then "Bmac" and Ricky can fall in line.

A lot of people stop going to Vegas (i.e. you). I don't have many more trips left, if any. I simply don't have the same desire I used to.

4 days til departure.

You really need to get over the fact I won't be going to Oktoberfest forever. It's not a personal insult. As you can see, there are less and less people there every year. Besides, I didn't have a whole lot of fun last year.

Snow volleyball, on the other hand, remains my favorite yearly event. Only 11 days til Ricky gets his revenge against the large wood deck.

Ricky said...

You are going down large wooden deck!

The Sports Bottle said...

I think the only reasonable way to handle the temporary permission you've received from Mrs Juice is for you to pick a date you want to go. I don't really have any time restrictions. Get together with the fake person you created, er, Bmac, and you married losers figure something out.

The Sports Bottle said...

2.5 days til departure

Juicelaw said...

You know, for someone that isn't at all excited to go to Vegas, you sure count down alot.

Juicelaw said...

YOU are the cockbag.

PS. I love you, but I'm not in love with you.