Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fatty Tumor

I was just listening to this discussion on the radio on the way to work, and it occurred to me that everyone has forgotten about this. Prince Fielder is headed to arbitration with the Brewers, which is his right as a baseball player, and is expected to "aim high" and ask for like $8 mil per year. Everyone thinks that is a shitload of money, and it is, especially for a player with the limitations that Prince has. But I completely forgot that Fielder and his "genius" agent Scott Boras turned down a 5 year, $60 million dollar contract last year. Which, if you don't have a calculator handy, is TWELVE million per year.

Basically, what Prince is saying is "Fuck you Milwaukee and all of your fans. Fuck you for putting all the time and effort into developing me and trying to prevent me from eating myself to death by the age of 25. Fuck you for taking the chance on me despite my obvious limitations. Fuck all you fans for buying my jerseys, and spending money on tickets, and cheering for me. Fuck the fact that we have a young nucleus of players that just made the playoffs for the first time in 26 years. I am willing to take FOUR MILLION LESS this year, and probably next (unless I hit like 65 HRs, which isn't going to happen) to play out the string to get to free agency, to make MAYBE the same amount as you offered me last year, because I fucking hate being appreciated in Milwaukee that much."

Prince Fielder can eat a dick. I was at least a little on the fence about him, throughout Bear's relentless bashing of him last year. But this shit kind of offends me. So he's officially dead to me.


Juicelaw said...

PS. I realize this sort of worked to Milwaukee's advantage. And I SUPPOSE Fielder thought he was Ryan Howard (he's not). That doesn't make me like him any more.

Bear said...

I agree fatty and Mr Boras screwed the pooch as of right now. It could get worse if Prince gets fatter, which there is absolutely nothing to indicate otherwise right now haha