Monday, May 19, 2008

Response to Bear's Post RE: Hardicourt

This was just going to be a comment, but again it got long.

Hardicourt just put up a follow up in which he did actually contact a "club source" which said they didn't know anything about a managerial change. Which is great information.

Then, he goes into a rant about what an asshole this blogger was. Well, TOM, had you not posted it in the first place, nobody probably would have even read it. Bloggers are generally (I am absolutely included here), by definition, opinions of people who don't have "sources", or whose sites are complete satire. There are a few bloggers that aren't necessarily affiliated with any conglomerate or newspaper that do have sources (i.e. but even they get things wrong and speculate. Very, very hypocritical to post someones "regurgitated shit" as Bear called it, and then rip them for possibly being wrong. I have no problem with him saying there are bloggers stating it, and then checking into it with your sources and then saying they don't appear to be true. But why take the tune he did by calling it "irresponsible"? This appears to be another newspaper person who feels threatened by bloggers getting their scoops.

Now I hope Hardicourt's source was wrong. That would be the icing on the cake.

By the way, since Hardicourt didn't do it, here is the blogger's page . It even appears to me that this particular blog has it out for the "real media", which probably is the reason Hardicourt was such a dick when he allegedly proved the blogger wrong.

1 comment:

Bear said...

Hardicourt is a whackjob, the guy has really not impressed me for one second on his journalistic abilities. But then again I've known a decent number of journalism majors and none of them were very competent. In fact I believe the only reason they graduated with that major was because it was basically a free diploma.