Monday, May 12, 2008

Dome Sweet Dome

Juice (or anyone else for that matter),

In case you've never been, you gotta find out what you're missing. It's the most comfortable place to watch a game. Ever!!! Also, there is only about two years left until the Gophers and Twins get their new digs and the Vikings move to Los Angeles. At least we have a place to watch monster truck rallies.

Just click on the picture to come on in.


Juicelaw said...

I've been. Went for a Packer-Viking game about 5 years ago. It is a horrible, horrible place to watch football. I'm assuming you are being sarcastic about baseball, but I've never been there for a baseball game. I've never heard the roof referred to as a "Marshmellow". I always heard the "Hefty Bag". No mention of them cranking up the blowers to blow out when the Twinkies come to the plate, and cranking them to blow in when the opposition bats.

PS. Those people who made that slideshow are losers.

PPS. That Rob Deer story was awesome.

PPPS. Sports Guy once referred to Miller Park as a gigantic, steel, vulva.

Bear said...

My favorite term of endearment for the dome is "The Big Inflatable Toilet"