Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Productivity? Not So Good.

We all have heard the story about how American companies lose like 12 billion dollars on this Thursday and Friday due to lack of productivity during the NCAA tournament. Well, I'm thinking they forgot to throw Monday and Tuesday into the mix too. Because on Monday, everyone passes out the office pool brackets, and (if gambling were legal) places wagers on their brackets with co-workers. Tuesday, you usually have to finish studying statistics (if you are a stats savant like myself) to find just the right upsets. Then you have to blog about it while you should be working. So I would say that MAYBE Wednesday productivity will be at or around normal this week.

This years sucks because it is the first time since maybe middle school that I haven't found some way to weasel my way out of class (high school we all went into a room in the library that we convinced the librarian to let us set up a TV in. College I just didn't go unless I had a test. Ditto for school following college), or work (I have taken off of every job I've ever had on this Thursday and Friday). I have this job that I haven't yet been at a year, and don't have any vacation yet. And even if I did, we are highly involved in the tax industry, making it extremely unlikely that I will be able to take off this week any year in the near future. All I can say is: Thank fucking (Sports Bottle's)god for NCAA March Madness on Demand. I am going to stealthily pretend to work between 11 and 12 (I will go somewhere to watch during lunch) and from 1 to 5-ish, all while watching LIVE coverage of ALL the games, for FREE. The only bad part is the lack of sound, but whatever. Did I mention MMOD is the greatest invention in the history of the world? Why don't other sports do this? Can you imagine watching every Brewer game at work, and online for free?


-TWELVE seed for Bucky? Really? I think what bothers me most is that Michigan got a 10, and we mopped the floor with them twice. But, we got in, and are playing a team that did not face more than 12 seconds of defense all year because they play in the ACC. Should be interesting. I actually don't hate Bucky's chances if they can make a shot or two (although I didn't pick them in my bracket).

-One of my bosses whom I would have entered into a low stakes bracket with if gambling were legal, had NO IDEA how to fill out a bracket, or how the scoring worked. And he is a sports fan. I had to explain that you didn't pick each round individually after they were played, that you in fact picked the WHOLE THING before they were played. He couldn't understand what would happen if all the teams you picked lost right away. I was baffled. Is this a generational thing? This guy is about 10 years older than my dad, but my dad has been filling out brackets with me for like 20 years.

-No high stakes pool with the wife this year. Two years ago I got a PS3 out of a pool with her.


gotwinkies said...

My favorite NCAA memory with Juice was when we randomly decided to host a "let's skip law school and watch all the first round games at Juice's" party. Only to have his poor hardworking wife come home from a 13 hour day to a fart/burp reeking, pizza box/nacho-cheese coverend, beer bottle/can riddled apartment with a half dozen drunk idiots. GOOD TIMES!

Juicelaw said...

That WAS awesome. I think the second funnest was when St. Patty's day was on a Thursday or Friday, and we watched games all day and got pissed up, then went to a bar, where you left me to go fuck your future wife, and then I walked five miles in freezing cold in a short sleeve shirt to your house, which was fucking locked, so I had to sleep in my car.

gotwinkies said...

Acutally, aren't you confusing two seperate years? Didn't the Jays lose to West Virginia on St. Patty's day? And Mike was chasing some girl and I was pissed because all I saw were the last 30 seconds of the game (when Funk got blocked and they dunked it for the lead).

either way, the best part of that story was the fact that my neighbor, Bill, got in a fight with his wife and was ALSO sleeping in his truck about 20 feet away from you.

Law school. Memories for a mere $20,000 a year.

gotwinkies said...

Another totally unrelated, fascinating story was when you had a Super Bowl party and the other Mike (the one who threw me out of his house) proceeded to drink 13 Busch Lights in the course of the Super Bowl and didn't even have a buzz.

gotwinkies said...

Holy shit, I just spit iced tea all over myself and about pissed myself when I read that.

That is right up there with the whole "Dan loves Bird Watching" story.

Bear said...

But what you aren't ruling out is whether or not this guy could run with the football at the professional level, correct?

Seymour said...

Nice buzz kill bear... so I won't be receiving texts from you urging me to come to gb and I will arrive with the mysterious 9 pack of leinie's this year?

gotwinkies said...

Also, don't forget that my future wife saved your life by hearing the doorbell in the middle of the night to let you inside, when I was passed the fuck out and sawing logs.

Juicelaw said...

You are more than welcome on Friday night if you want. Or perhaps we can drink all day Saturday (after I get home from work at noon). Let me know.

Juicelaw said...

Bear: I hope you were drunk when you posted that, because there are like three double negatives in there.

Bear said...

So what you're not saying is whether or not I'm not not wrong, right?

Juicelaw said...

Exactly /hits bong.